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Is also a namespace for scoping PrimaryKey based interfaces and types.


Type aliases

AttributeTypes: "B" | "N" | "S"

Supported primary key attribute types (see DocumentClient.ScalarAttributeType).

AttributeTypesMap: {}

Definition for the Table.keyAttributes.

Type declaration

AttributeTypesMapT<T>: { [ P in keyof Required<T>]: Extract<T[P], { type: Table.PrimaryKey.AttributeTypes }> }

Typed based version of Table.PrimaryKey.AttributeTypesMap used in Table.TableT.

Type parameters

  • T

AttributeValues: string | number | BinaryValue

Support primary key attribute values types.

AttributeValuesMap: {}

Definition for the key argument used in Table.get, Table.delete, Table.put, Table.update and associated Params methods.

Type declaration

AttributeValuesMapT<T>: { [ P in keyof Required<T>]: Extract<T[P], Table.AttributeValues> }

Typed based version of Table.PrimaryKey.AttributeValuesMap used in Table.TableT

Type parameters

  • T

KeyQueryMap: {}

Definition for the key argument used in Table.queryParams, Table.query, Index.query and Index.queryParams

Type declaration

KeyQueryMapT<T>: { [ P in keyof T]: Extract<T[P], Table.AttributeValues | AttributeResolver> }

Typed based version of Table.PrimaryKey.KeyQueryMap used in Table.TableT and Index.IndexT

Type parameters

  • T

KeyTypes: "HASH" | "RANGE"

Supported primary key types.

KeyTypesMap: {}

Definition for the Table.keySchema and Index.keySchema.

Type declaration

KeyTypesMapT<T>: { [ P in keyof Required<T>]: Extract<T[P], { keyType: KeyTypes }> }

Typed based version of Table.PrimaryKey.KeyTypesMap used in Table.TableT and Index.IndexT

Type parameters

  • T

PartitionBinary: BinaryValue | { type: "B" } | { keyType: "HASH" }

Definition for partition number. Used for defining the primary key for Tables and Indexes.

PartitionNumber: number | { type: "N" } | { keyType: "HASH" }

Definition for partition number. Used for defining the primary key for Tables and Indexes.

PartitionString: string | { type: "S" } | { keyType: "HASH" }

Definition for partition string. Used for defining the primary key for Tables and Indexes.

SortBinary: BinaryValue | { type: "B" } | { keyType: "RANGE" } | BinaryResolver

Definition for sort string. Used for defining the primary key for Tables and Indexes.

SortNumber: number | { type: "N" } | { keyType: "RANGE" } | NumberResolver

Definition for sort string. Used for defining the primary key for Tables and Indexes.

SortString: string | { type: "S" } | { keyType: "RANGE" } | StringResolver

Definition for sort string. Used for defining the primary key for Tables and Indexes.

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