  • Public
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Is also a namespace for scoping Model based interfaces and types.


Type aliases

ModelCore: {}

Model input type used in most Model methods.

Type declaration

ModelCoreT<T>: { [ P in keyof T]: Exclude<T[P], Function> }

Model input type used in most ModelT methods.

Type parameters

  • T

ModelData: {}

Item data supported by the Model.

Type declaration

ModelOut: {}

Model output type used in most Model methods.

Type declaration

ModelOutT<T>: { [ P in keyof T]: Exclude<T[P], Function> }

Model output type used in most ModelT methods.

Type parameters

  • T

ModelSchema: {}

Type for the Model schema which contains a Field for each Model property.

Type declaration

ModelSchemaT<T>: { [ P in keyof Required<T>]: Field }

Type for the ModelT schema which contains a Field for each Model property.

Type parameters

  • T: {}

ModelType: number | string | boolean | null | object

Types supported by the Model.

ModelUpdate: {}

Model input type used for update Model methods.

Type declaration

ModelUpdateT<KEY, INPUT>: { [ P in keyof Optional<INPUT>]: ModelUpdateValue<INPUT[P]> } & KEY

Model input type used for update Model methods.

Type parameters

  • KEY


ModelUpdateValue<T>: Extract<T, ModelType | Update.Resolver<Table.AttributeTypes>> | null

Model property value used for item updates.

Type parameters

  • T


  • See Table.createTable reasoning for having a createTable over support 'new TableT'.

    Type parameters

    • KEY: {}

    • INPUT: {} = KEY

    • OUTPUT: {} & {} = INPUT & KEY


    • params: ModelParamsT<KEY, OUTPUT>

      Options to used when creating Model.

    Returns Model.ModelT<KEY, INPUT, OUTPUT>

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