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Set of helper methods used to build UpdateExpression for use in DynamoDB update method.


examples/Update.Model.ts (imports: examples/Table.ts)

import { Fields, Model, Table, Update } from 'dynamodb-datamodel';
import { table } from './Table';

interface ModelKey {
id: string;
interface ModelItem extends ModelKey {
name: Update.String;
revision: Update.Number;
nickName: Update.String;

const model = Model.createModel<ModelKey, ModelItem>({
schema: {
id: Fields.split({ aliases: ['P', 'S'] }),
name: Fields.string(),
nickName: Fields.string(),
revision: Fields.number(),
table: table as Table,

// update will: set name attribute to 'new name', delete nickName attribute and increment revision attribute by 2.
const params = model.updateParams({
id: 'P-1.S-1',
name: 'new name',
nickName: Update.del(),
revision: Update.inc(2),

// (jest) output of updateParams
ExpressionAttributeNames: { '#n0': 'name', '#n1': 'nickName', '#n2': 'revision' },
ExpressionAttributeValues: { ':v0': 'new name', ':v1': 2 },
Key: { P: 'P-1', S: 'S-1' },
ReturnValues: 'ALL_NEW',
TableName: 'ExampleTable',
UpdateExpression: 'SET #n0 = :v0, #n2 = #n2 + :v1 REMOVE #n1',

Using Table (though in most cases you'll use Model):


examples/Update.Table.ts (imports: examples/Table.ts)

import { Update } from 'dynamodb-datamodel';
import { table } from './Table';

// update will: set name attribute to 'new name', delete nickName attribute and increment revision attribute by 2.
const params = table.updateParams(
{ P: 'P-1', S: 'S-1' },
{ name: 'new name', nickName: Update.del(), revision: Update.inc(2) },

// (jest) output of updateParams
ExpressionAttributeNames: { '#n0': 'name', '#n1': 'nickName', '#n2': 'revision' },
ExpressionAttributeValues: { ':v0': 'new name', ':v1': 2 },
Key: { P: 'P-1', S: 'S-1' },
ReturnValues: 'ALL_NEW',
TableName: 'ExampleTable',
UpdateExpression: 'SET #n0 = :v0, #n2 = #n2 + :v1 REMOVE #n1',


  • Update




  • Sets an attribute to the result of adding two values. Note: The reference attributes must exists for the update to succeed. Supported types: number.

    import { Fields, Model, Update } from 'dynamodb-datamodel';

    const model = new Model({
    schema: {
    id: Fields.split({ aliases: ['P', 'S'] }),
    base: Fields.number(),
    count: Fields.number(),
    // ...additional properties like table

    // Sets count attribute to the result of adding 3 to the 'base' attribute
    // Example: If base = 5, then after this update count will be 8
    id: 'P-GUID.S-0',
    count: Update.add('base', 3),


    • left: OperandNumber

      A value (or reference attribute) to using in add operation.

    • right: OperandNumber

      A value (or reference attribute) to using in add operation.

    Returns Update.Resolver<"N">

    Update resolver function to set a number attribute to the result of adding two values.

  • Adds an array of values to a set based attribute (sets are ordered). Supported types: StringSet, NumberSet or BinarySet.

    import { Fields, Model, Update } from 'dynamodb-datamodel';

    const model = new Model({
    schema: {
    id: Fields.split({ aliases: ['P', 'S'] }),
    colors: Fields.stringSet(),
    // ...additional properties like table

    // Adds 'yellow' and 'red' to the colors attribute
    // Example: If colors = ['blue', 'yellow'], then after this update colors will be ['blue', 'red', 'yellow']
    id: 'P-GUID.S-0',
    colors: Update.addToSet(model.table.createStringSet(['yellow', 'red']));


    Returns Update.Resolver<"BS" | "NS" | "SS">

    Update resolver function to add an array of values to a set based attribute.

  • Appends items to the end of an existing list attribute. Supported types: list.

    import { Fields, Model, Update } from 'dynamodb-datamodel';

    const model = new Model({
    schema: {
    id: Fields.split({ aliases: ['P', 'S'] }),
    groups: Fields.list(),
    // ...additional properties like table

    // Appends 'soccer' and 'tennis' to the end of the list in groups attribute
    // Example: If groups = ['baseball', 'swimming'], then after this update it would be ['baseball', 'swimming', 'soccer', 'tennis']
    id: 'P-GUID.S-0',
    groups: Update.append(['soccer', 'tennis']),


    Returns Update.Resolver<"L">

    Update resolver function to append a list to an attribute.

  • Sets an attribute to the result of an arithmetic expression. Note: The reference attributes must exists for the update to succeed. Helper method used by inc, dec, add and sub.


    • left: undefined | OperandNumber

      A value (or reference attribute) used on the left side of the arithmetic expression.

    • op: "+" | "-"

      Operation to use for expression.

    • right: OperandNumber

      A value (or reference attribute) used on the left side of the arithmetic expression.

    Returns Update.Resolver<"N">

    Update resolver function to set a number attribute to the result of the arithmetic expression.

  • Decrements a number based attribute by a certain amount. Note: The attribute that is being decremented must exist in the table item for this update to succeed. Supported types: number.

    import { Fields, Model, Update } from 'dynamodb-datamodel';

    const model = new Model({
    schema: {
    id: Fields.split({ aliases: ['P', 'S'] }),
    count: Fields.number(),
    // ...additional properties like table

    // Decrements the count attribute by 2
    // Example: if count = 5, then after this update it would be 3
    id: 'P-GUID.S-0',
    count: Update.dec(2),


    • value: OperandNumber

      A value (or reference attribute) to decrement the number attribute by.

    Returns Update.Resolver<"N">

    Update resolver function to decrement the attribute.

  • Sets the default value for an attribute that does not exist in on the table item.

    import { Fields, Model, Update } from 'dynamodb-datamodel';

    const model = new Model({
    schema: {
    id: Fields.split({ aliases: ['P', 'S'] }),
    name: Fields.string(),
    // ...additional properties like table

    // Set name attribute to 'Default Name' only if it doesn't exists
    id: 'P-GUID.S-0',
    name: Update.default('Default Name'),

    Type parameters


    • value: T

      Default value to set if attribute value does not exist.

    Returns Update.Resolver<Table.AttributeTypes>

    Update resolver function to set default value.

  • Delete the attribute from the table item. Setting an model property to null also deletes the attribute.

    import { Fields, Model, Update } from 'dynamodb-datamodel';

    const model = new Model({
    schema: {
    id: Fields.split({ aliases: ['P', 'S'] }),
    name: Fields.string(),
    // ...additional properties like table

    // Deletes name attribute from item. Could also use "name: null" to do the same thing.
    id: 'P-GUID.S-0',
    name: Update.del(),


    • Optional path: string

    Returns Update.Resolver<Table.AttributeTypes>

    Update resolver function to delete attribute.

  • Deletes an array of indices from an list based attribute (the lists are 0 based). Supported types: list.

    import { Fields, Model, Update } from 'dynamodb-datamodel';

    const model = new Model({
    schema: {
    id: Fields.split({ aliases: ['P', 'S'] }),
    children: Fields.list(),
    // ...additional properties like table

    // Removes the values at the 1st and 2nd index in the children attribute.
    // Example: If children = ['john', 'jill', 'bob', 'betty'], then after this update children will be ['john', 'betty']
    id: 'P-GUID.S-0',
    children: Update.delIndexes([1, 2]);


    • indexes: number[]

      Array of indices (numbered indexes into the list) to delete from the list.

    Returns Update.Resolver<"L">

    Update resolver function to delete indices in a list based attribute.

  • Increments a number based attribute by a certain amount. Note: The attribute that is being incremented must exist in the table item for this update to succeed. Supported types: number.

    import { Fields, Model, Update } from 'dynamodb-datamodel';

    const model = new Model({
    schema: {
    id: Fields.split({ aliases: ['P', 'S'] }),
    count: Fields.number(),
    // ...additional properties like table

    // Increments the count attribute by 1
    // Example: If count = 3, then after this update it would be 4
    id: 'P-GUID.S-0',
    count: Update.inc(1),


    • value: OperandNumber

      A value (or reference attribute) to increment the number attribute by.

    Returns Update.Resolver<"N">

    Update resolver function to increment the attribute.

  • Sets an attribute to the result of joining two lists. Supported types: list.

    import { Fields, Model, Update } from 'dynamodb-datamodel';

    const model = new Model({
    schema: {
    id: Fields.split({ aliases: ['P', 'S'] }),
    parents: Fields.list(),
    ancestors: Fields.list(),
    // ...additional properties like table

    // Sets ancestors attribute to the result of joining the list from the parents attribute with ['grandpa, 'grandma']
    // Example: if parents = ['mom', 'dad'], then after this update ancestors will be ['mom', 'dad', 'grandpa', 'grandma']
    id: 'P-GUID.S-0',
    ancestors: Update.join('parents', ['grandpa', 'grandma']),


    Returns Update.Resolver<"L">

    Update resolver function to set an attribute to the joining of two lists.

  • Updates the inner attributes of a map based attribute. set is used to overwrite the entire map attribute, while map updates the attributes inside of table attribute. Example if an address attribute is set to { street: 'One Infinite Loop', city: 'Cupertino', state: 'CA, zip: '95014' } then using Update.map({street: '1 Apple Park Way'}) will result in { street: '1 Apple Park Way', city: 'Cupertino', state: 'CA, zip: '95014' }, while using Update.set({street: '1 Apple Park Way'}) will result in { street: '1 Apple Park Way' }. Supported types: map.

    import { Fields, Model, Update } from 'dynamodb-datamodel';

    const model = new Model({
    schema: {
    id: Fields.split({ aliases: ['P', 'S'] }),
    address: Fields.map(),
    // ...additional properties like table

    // Update only the street property inside of the address attribute
    // Example: If address = { street: 'One Infinite Loop', city: 'Cupertino', state: 'CA, zip: '95014' } then
    // after this update address will be { street: '1 Apple Park Way', city: 'Cupertino', state: 'CA, zip: '95014' }
    id: 'P-GUID.S-0',
    address: Update.map({
    street: '1 Apple Park Way'


    • map: ResolverMap

      Map of update values and resolvers to evaluate.

    Returns Update.Resolver<"M">

    Update resolver function to recursively set the inner attributes of a map based attribute.

  • Typed based version of Update.map.

    Type parameters

    • T


    • map: ResolverModel<T>

      The model or resolver to create resolver for.

    Returns Update.Resolver<"M">

    Update resolver function to remove an array of values from a set based attribute.

  • Map that contains string keys with a Model T for each value.

    Type parameters

    • T


    Returns Update.Resolver<"M">

    Update resolver function to remove an array of values from a set based attribute.

  • Used to reference other attributes for the value argument in Update.* methods.

    import { Fields, Model, Update } from 'dynamodb-datamodel';

    const model = new Model({
    schema: {
    id: Fields.split({ aliases: ['P', 'S'] }),
    fullName: Fields.string(),
    name: Fields.string(),
    // ...additional properties like table

    // Sets name attribute to the value of the fullName attribute
    // Example: If fullName = 'John Smith', then name would be set to 'John Smith'
    id: 'P-GUID.S-0',
    name: Update.path('fullName'),


    • path: string

      Attribute path to resolve and get alias for.

    Returns OperandFunction

    Update function that returns the alias for the path.

  • Used to reference other attributes for the value argument in Update.* methods.

    import { Fields, Model, Update } from 'dynamodb-datamodel';

    const model = new Model({
    schema: {
    id: Fields.split({ aliases: ['P', 'S'] }),
    fullName: Fields.string(),
    name: Fields.string(),
    // ...additional properties like table

    // Sets name attribute to the value of the fullName attribute, if fullName
    // attribute doesn't exists then set name attribute to 'User Name'.
    id: 'P-GUID.S-0',
    name: Update.pathWithDefault('fullName', 'User Name'),

    Type parameters


    • path: string

      Attribute path to resolve and get alias for.

    • value: T

      The default value to set if the path attribute value does not exist.

    Returns OperandFunction

    Update function that returns the alias for the path.

  • Prepends items to the beginning of an existing list attribute. Supported types: list.

    import { Fields, Model, Update } from 'dynamodb-datamodel';

    const model = new Model({
    schema: {
    id: Fields.split({ aliases: ['P', 'S'] }),
    groups: Fields.list(),
    // ...additional properties like table

    // Prepends 'soccer', 'tennis' to the beginning of the list in groups attribute
    // Example: If groups = ['baseball', 'swimming'], then after this update it would be ['soccer', 'tennis', 'baseball', 'swimming']
    id: 'P-GUID.S-0',
    groups: Update.prepend(['soccer', 'tennis']),


    Returns Update.Resolver<"L">

    Update resolver function to prepend a list to an attribute.

  • Removes an array of values from a set based attribute (sets are ordered). Supported types: StringSet, NumberSet or BinarySet.

    import { Fields, Model, Update } from 'dynamodb-datamodel';

    const model = new Model({
    schema: {
    id: Fields.split({ aliases: ['P', 'S'] }),
    colors: Fields.stringSet(),
    // ...additional properties like table

    // Remove 'yellow' and 'red' from the colors attribute
    // Example: If colors = ['blue', 'yellow'], then after this update colors will be ['blue']
    id: 'P-GUID.S-0',
    colors: Update.removeFromSet(model.table.createStringSet(['yellow', 'red']));


    Returns Update.Resolver<"BS" | "NS" | "SS">

    Update resolver function to remove an array of values from a set based attribute.

  • Sets the attribute to a new value. Set is the default action for model property not set to a Update.Resolver or null.

    import { Fields, Model, Update } from 'dynamodb-datamodel';

    const model = new Model({
    schema: {
    id: Fields.split({ aliases: ['P', 'S'] }),
    name: Fields.string(),
    // ...additional properties like table

    // Sets name attribute from item. Could also use "name: 'new name'" to do the same thing.
    id: 'P-GUID.S-0',
    name: Update.set('new name'),

    Type parameters


    • value: OperandValue<T>

      The value (or attribute reference) to update the item attribute to, will add attribute if not present.

    Returns Update.Resolver<Table.AttributeTypes>

    Update resolver function to set attribute to a value.

  • Sets the values of select indices for list based attribute. Supported types: list.

    import { Fields, Model, Update } from 'dynamodb-datamodel';

    const model = new Model({
    schema: {
    id: Fields.split({ aliases: ['P', 'S'] }),
    children: Fields.list(),
    // ...additional properties like table

    // Sets the values at the 1st and 2nd index in the children attribute to be 'margret' and 'mathew' respectively
    // Example: If children = ['john', 'jill', 'bob', 'betty'], then after this update children will be ['john', 'margret', 'mathew', 'betty']
    id: 'P-GUID.S-0',
    children: Update.setIndexes({1: 'margret', 2: 'mathew'});


    Returns Update.Resolver<"L">

    Update resolver function to set values for select indices in a list based attribute.

  • Sets an attribute to the result of subtracting two values. Note: The reference attributes must exists for the update to succeed. Supported types: number.

    import { Fields, Model, Update } from 'dynamodb-datamodel';

    const model = new Model({
    schema: {
    id: Fields.split({ aliases: ['P', 'S'] }),
    base: Fields.number(),
    count: Fields.number(),
    // ...additional properties like table

    // Sets count attribute to the result of subtracting 2 from the 'base' attribute
    // Example: If base = 9, then after this update count would be 7
    id: 'P-GUID.S-0',
    count: Update.sub('base', 2),


    • left: OperandNumber

      A value (or reference attribute) to use on the left side of a subtract operation.

    • right: OperandNumber

      A value (or reference attribute) to use on the right side of a subtract operation.

    Returns Update.Resolver<"N">

    Update resolver function to set a number attribute to the result of subtracting two values.

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