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Object passed down to Condition.Resolver functions to support getting path and value aliases and provide context to the resolver function to support advanced condition resolvers.


  • ConditionExpression





Object for getting path and value aliases.


  • addPath(path: string): string
  • resolvePath(path: Path): string
  • Add a condition path either directly or by resolving the path.


    • path: Path

      Value to add or add via resolving.

    Returns string

    Generated name alias to use in condition expression.

  • Helper function to set a 'FilterExpression' or 'ConditionExpression' property on the params argument if there are conditions to resolve.


    • params: { ConditionExpression?: string; FilterExpression?: string }

      Params used for DocumentClient query and scan methods.

      • Optional ConditionExpression?: string
      • Optional FilterExpression?: string
    • attributes: Table.ExpressionAttributes
    • type: "filter" | "condition"

      The type of expression to set either 'filter' or 'condition',

    • Optional conditions: Condition.Resolver[]

      List of conditions to evaluate with AND.

    Returns void

    The params argument passed in.

  • Expands a list of conditions into an 'AND' expression. This method is different then evaluating the above 'and' method, since it will not surround the condition with '()'.


    Returns string

    The list of conditions expanded as a string with 'AND' between each.

  • isResolver(value: null | string | number | boolean | ValueResolver | Buffer | File | Blob | ArrayBuffer | DataView | Int8Array | Uint8Array | Uint8ClampedArray | Int16Array | Uint16Array | Int32Array | Uint32Array | Float32Array | Float64Array | Stream | StringSet | NumberSet | BinarySet | MapValue | ListValue): value is ValueResolver
  • Determines if a value is a resolver function or a basic type.


    • value: null | string | number | boolean | ValueResolver | Buffer | File | Blob | ArrayBuffer | DataView | Int8Array | Uint8Array | Uint8ClampedArray | Int16Array | Uint16Array | Int32Array | Uint32Array | Float32Array | Float64Array | Stream | StringSet | NumberSet | BinarySet | MapValue | ListValue

      Path, value or resolver to inspect.

    Returns value is ValueResolver

    True if value is a resolver and false if value is a basic type.

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