'begins_with' - Begins with function checks to see if a string attribute begins with a string value. Supported Types: String
Path to attribute to get the value from.
String to check if the path attribute value begins with.
Resolver to use when generate condition expression.
'BETWEEN' - Between condition compares if an attribute value is between two values or other attributes. Condition.between('path', 1, 2) will have the same outcome as Condition.and(Condition.ge('path', 1), Condition.le('path', 2))
Path to attribute or size of attribute to compare.
Value (or path to attribute) to check if greater then and equal to.
Value (or path to attribute) to check if less then and equal to.
Resolver to use when generate condition expression.
General compare condition used by eq, ne, lt, le, gt, and ge.
Path to resolve or add.
Compare operation to use.
Value to resolve or add.
Resolver to use when generate condition expression.
'=' - Equal condition compares if an attribute value is equal to a value or another attribute.
Path to attribute or size of attribute to compare.
Value (or path to attribute) to check if equal to.
Resolver to use when generate condition expression.
'>=' - Greater then or equal to condition compare sif an attribute value is greater then or equal to a value or another attribute.
Path to attribute or size of attribute to compare.
Value (or path to attribute) to check if greater then or equal to.
Resolver to use when generate condition expression.
'>' - Greater then condition compares if an attribute value is greater then a value or another attribute.
Path to attribute or size of attribute to compare.
Value (or path to attribute) to check if greater then.
Resolver to use when generate condition expression.
'IN' - In condition compares the value of an attribute is equal to any of the list values or other attributes.
Path to attribute to get the value from.
List of the values to check if equal to path attribute value.
Resolver to use when generate condition expression.
'<=' - Less then or equal to condition compares if an attribute value is less then or equal to a value or another attribute.
Path to attribute or size of attribute to compare.
Value (or path to attribute) to check if less then or equal to.
Resolver to use when generate condition expression.
'<' - Less then condition compares if an attribute value is less then a value or another attribute.
Path to attribute or size of attribute to compare.
Value (or path to attribute) to check if less then.
Resolver to use when generate condition expression.
'<>' - Not equal condition compares if an attribute value is not equal to a value or another attribute.
Path to attribute or size of attribute to compare.
Value (or path to attribute) to check if not equal to.
Resolver to use when generate condition expression.
Inserts a path for a value in below conditions methods to allow conditions to compare two fields against each other.
Path to use for a condition value.
Resolver to use when generate condition expression.
Inserts the size of the attribute value to compare the data size to a static value or another attribute value.
Supported Types:
Attribute path to get size of value for.
Resolver to use when generate condition expression.
'attribute_type' - Attribute type function checks to see if the attribute is of a certain data type.
Path to attribute to get the value from.
Type to check that the path attribute value matches.
Resolver to use when generate condition expression.
Generated using TypeDoc
Set of helper methods to build ConditionExpressions used in DynamoDB delete, put and update operations, and FilterExpression used in DynamoDB query and scan operations. All of the condition based methods return a Condition.Resolver function in the form of '(exp: ConditionExpression): string' this allow conditions to be composed together and even extended in a very simple way.
See Comparison Operator and Function Reference for details on how each of the below comparison operations and functions work.
Condition is also used by {@link fields} to allow each field type to only expose the conditions that the field supports.
examples/Condition.ts, (imports: examples/Table.ts)
Note: Condition is a class that contains only static methods to support using javascript reserved words as method names, like 'in'. Condition is also a namespace to scope the Condition specific typings, like Resolver.